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Carolina Performing Arts 2024-25

For retired and current Carolina faculty and staff, Carolina Performing Arts offers a 25% discount for CPA Series event tickets. Limited to four tickets per person, per performance. To access this discount, retired faculty and staff should use UNCRET2425 online or call the CPA box office (919-843-3333). Current faculty and staff should use promo code UNCFS2425online or call the box office.

Carolina Public Humanities

Carolina Public Humanities has robust offerings including Weekend Seminars and “Humanities in Action” lectures at Flyleaf Bookstore as well as other special events.

Its website notes: “Embodying the University’s commitment to extend Carolina resources to all citizens and community members across the state, Carolina Public Humanities offers engaging and innovative public seminars and lectures on a variety of topics and themes throughout the year. Its programs draw upon the humanities to nurture a deeper understanding of history and culture, enrich the life of the mind, and contribute to the development of a more humane world.”

Carolina Public Humanities offers a 50 percent discount to Lifetime Members and dues-paid Annual Members of the Retired Faculty and Professionals Association for the weekend seminars and “Humanities in Action” lecture events. This discount does not appear on its website, but RFPA members can request it by calling CPH (919-962-1544) and mentioning their RFPA membership when registering. To learn more about CPH’s current programs, see the Fall 2024 events at –

Intergenerational Philosophy 

The Philosophy Department and Parr Center for Ethics have partnered with the Retired Faculty and Professionals Association for several years to create intergenerational spaces for learning and discussion about life’s most pressing questions. At its core, philosophy is about asking questions and critically reflecting on our beliefs and values, and we believe it is best practiced in the company of others. Our hope is that by drawing on the rich and varied experiences represented across generations, we can promote lifelong learning and strengthen the ties of the Carolina community.

This year, the main opportunity for involvement will be the next iteration of Intergenerational Philosophy class (Spring 2025). From early February through late April, RFPA members are invited to participate in regular philosophical discussions with UNC-CH undergraduates at the Seymour Center, discussing a range of topics and questions curated both by students and discussion participants. Contact Philosophy Teaching Assistant Professor & Director of Outreach Michael Vazquez ( with any questions about this program, or with ideas for future programming.

For Fall 2024, there are opportunities to connect with the Parr Center by attending any of its public talks (during the day or in the evenings), and there may be opportunities for ad-hoc engagement with undergraduate students. Professor Vazquez is working with a team of undergraduate students who would welcome the opportunity for intergenerational dialogue in Fall 2024.

Retired Faculty Seminar

The Retired Faculty and Professionals Association (RFPA), in collaboration with the Institute of Arts and Humanities (IAH) at UNC-Chapel Hill, has a long history of offering a seminar for newly retired faculty and senior administrative professsionals entitled “Creating a Life You Love in Retirement.”

The spring seminar focuses on the ways in which faculty and professional staff see retirement as a new phase in life with both opportunities and challenges. The seminar syllabus contains articles and books about aging and retirement. The most satisfying aspect of the seminars, however, has been faculty members and staff sharing their experiences as well as their interests and goals.

For further information, see the IAH Retired Faculty Program website or contact Zyon Perkins, IAH Event Planner (919-962-0918,

Shared Learning

RFPA and Shared Learning of Chapel Hill are developing a partnership where RFPA members would teach Shared Learning courses on topics about which they are well-versed and passionate and members would be apprised of Shared Learning course offerings. Shared Learning offers an array of non-accredited courses aimed at lifelong learners and taught in a collaborative environment. Those interested in enrolling in a shared learning course can find current listings at the Shared Learning website at If you are interested in developing and moderating a course, please contact Michael Salemi ( to discuss next steps.

UNC Digital and Lifelong Learning

UNC Digital and Lifelong Learning offers community programs. Events are free, and registration is strongly encouraged.

Go to to check for programming as it is developed and posted.


Last updated August 2024