Jonathan B. Howes Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients
(Established 2015)
The Jonathan B. Howes Lifetime Achievement Award is presented in alternate years by the Retired Faculty and Professionals Association to recognize a retired UNC-CH faculty member “whose service and achievements, both within the University and beyond in the wider community, have consistently exceeded the professional expectations for faculty, and who has been recognized by faculty and administrative colleagues for his or her judgment, ethical values and courage in the pursuit of worthy goals.” Nominations remain under consideration for three award cycles.
Jonathan Howes was Professor of City and Regional Planning from 1970-2010, and long-time director of the Center for Urban and Regional Studies. His contributions beyond the university included service as Alderman and later Mayor of Chapel Hill, Secretary of the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, and Interim Director of the North Carolina Botanical Garden. He also served the broader community as WUNC Executive Director, Board Chair of the Carol Woods Retirement Community, and Faculty Council Representative for UNC-CH retired faculty. Jonathan was an active member of our Retired Faculty Association and its President-Elect from 2014-2015.
2024 Jane Delano Brown, James L. Knight Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Media
2020 Ray Dooley, Professor Emeritus of Dramatic Art
2018 Joe W. Grisham, Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Laboratory Practice
2017 John L. Sanders, Retired Director of the Institute (now School) of Government
2015 William Leuchtenburg, William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of History