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Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year.


The beginning of classes in the fall semester remains a useful way to mark time that continues to resonate with all of us who had academic careers.

We’ve identified some terrific speakers for our lunch meetings and hope that as the Association continues to grow we’ll find more ways to serve retirees from the faculty and senior administrative ranks. RFPA’s Executive Committee has recently created two committees that will get more folks involved and help us get much accomplished. The Finance Committee will be chaired by treasurer Steve Matson, and the Membership Committee will be chaired by member-at-large Judith Cone. They’ve both been given formal charges and will appoint additional committee members from the membership.

RFPA (originally RFA) was established in 1986, so it will celebrate 40 years in 2026. I’m going to start making plans this year and envision having a big birthday party, publishing a history of the association that will include a membership directory, and doing some serious fund-raising that could help underwrite additional activities.

Here is the message you will continue to hear from me: Bring your retired colleagues to lunch, and invite them to join this vibrant association. Retirees from colleges and universities are assets, albeit hidden and underused ones. They do not retire from life, nor do they suddenly forgo all their experience, skills and abilities when they vacate their offices. Many of us remain active in our research areas; most of us have a positive impact on our various constituencies; and all of us contribute to the greater good.

We’re doing a lot, but together we could be doing so much more.

Bobbi Owen, President 2024-2025
Michael R. McVaugh Distinguished Professor Emerita

Department of Dramatic Art, UNC-Chapel Hill


October RFPA Lunch Meeting

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 12 noon – 2 p.m.

Friday Conference Center


Representative Robert T. Reives II will be our speaker. His topic will be “Robert’s Rules: Why State Government Matters.” He will discuss the importance of being informed about and involved in state government, especially as relates to the responsible stewardship of public funds.



Robert T. Reives II is the NC House of Representatives Democratic Leader, a position he has held since January 2021. He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill as a Pogue Scholar with a B.S in Business Administration and Finance and a degree from the School of Law. He served as a prosecutor in the Lee County District Attorney’s Office before joining the Sanford, NC, law firm of Wilson, Reives, Silverman, & Doran. In 2014 Robert was appointed to the NC House to complete Deb McManus’ term. Since then he has retained his District 54 seat, despite facing re-election every two years in a district that changes its shape almost as often. Currently it encompasses all of Chatham and part of Randolph Counties.

Known for listening to his constituents and his ability to work across party lines, Robert has sponsored legislation to protect children, the disabled, the environment, and property rights. He has worked persistently to expand Medicaid, create fair voting maps, adequately fund public education, and protect women’s healthcare. Community service also matters to Robert. He is a board member of the Lee County Educational Foundation and Lee County Boys & Girls Club, and past president of the Eleventh District and Lee County Bar Associations. He has also served on the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Visitors and the board of the UNC General Alumni Association.


Please use the form found here to send in your reservations.  As usual, spouses and other guests are also welcome.  Reservations must be received by September 25, 2024; please mail no later than Friday, September 20, 2024.

As usual, spouses and other guests are also welcome.

** Click here for October 2, 2024 Lunch Reservation Form